Keep it Green



Fire    May 7, 2007 Community Mosaic Mural    First-Aid
Municipal Building        Borough Hall

Borough of Roosevelt
PO Box 128
33 North Rochdale Avenue
Roosevelt, New Jersey 08555
609-448-0539 Office
609-448-8716 Fax

Monmouth County
Roosevelt, NJ
Jersey Homesteads
Historic District
Est. 1937

All meetings are held at the borough hall.
Council meets the second and forth Monday of the month at 7:00pm
Planning Board meets the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm


Beth Battel

Borough Clerk

Borough Administrator 

   Scroll down to mosaic mural  

Roosevelt is in beautiful Monmouth County. It is approximately two square miles. Roosevelt preserves the small town atmosphere that has been lost in so many other places. Founded as  Jersey Homesteads, and named after President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Roosevelt's unique character sets it apart from other communities. Under current New Jersey law, there are four basic forms of municipal government, each deriving its powers from the state legislature. The four forms of government are borough, city, town, and township.. There is only one municipality in New Jersey, that has a village form of government, Loch Arbour. The borough form of government was created in 1878 and modified by the Borough Act of 1987. There are approximately 218 municipalities using the borough form of government, which is supervised by a mayor and six council members, all of whom are elected at large. There are 37 boroughs in Monmouth County. Roosevelt is unique in its greenbelt plan. The main street is Rochdale Avenue and goes through the center of the Borough. The Roosevelt School, Post Office, Deli, and the bulletin board are at the center of the Borough. Meet and greet your neighbors at the Deli or Post Office. The is no home delivery of mail.
   Comments and suggestions welcome. Email webmaster                                     Last updated 7-10-08


New mosaic mural for the Borough Hall